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SILENTIUM (2014) Book format limited edition

Aims to speak of internal silence through the figure of an adolescent boy, a silence that expresses neither peace or tranquillity, but rather reservation or anxiety. If is, then, the internal silence of an individual at a stage of existence where the ego and intellect begin to come to the fore, pushing aside most of the more magical and dreamlike elements of childhood, and even of pre-asolescence.


ORIGEN (2013)

In Peru, the "Apus" -the spirits of the mountains- speak in a deep inner language. This is the last photo project where my figure still appears, it ends the self portrait stage that is lost or merges between an almost cosmic nature.

I want to convey the perception of being fragmented into infinite particles spread in this space-time, where everything is alive.



Scratching the surface
like a textural blemish, scraping away all the distracting context which prevents me from harmoniously capturing what I feel. What I desire, what I understand and what confuses me: what I have always believed tangible and what is unreal.


Life expressing self throught us. This is no longer the interior and exterior of a body, but rather now an attempt to speak of the inner life and outer life experienced through that body. Inner life and outer life, each one tied to the other.


FORGIVE (2008)


Often we do or say things without thinking (without being conscious of them). We allow ourselves to give in to the moments of impatience which take over us. We plunge headlong.

And then we feel a sense of guilt. We attempt to apologise, to explain our actions, but are still left with a sense of unease. To what extent are we truly conscious of what we do and say?


The start of a new phase exploring the body's interior.

To find the connection between our inner essence (which we do not see) and the image we have of ourselves.

AMNESIA (2010)

Who remembers or who knows what our inner self is like, our deepest sense of behing?

I simply remember scenes from my "ego" at specific moments of my life experience.

A physical birth, a physical appearance, but the essence we carry within us is not born, it is always there.


The insistent presence of a hand aims to ward off the sensation of an arrogant and insultant approach to life.

It is a way of seeing that reluctance, scepticism, mistrust form a part of not trusting in oneself.

RETURN (2007)

We are lit up or snuffed out, we become excited or desperate, we may just as easily feel courage as feel fear.

We see how the light changes on everything which surrounds us, see how everything external, everything outside changes.

DUALITY (2006)

The aim is to touch, if not to caress, the idea of getting inside the human soul. Emotions, whether true or not, at times seem to represent our personality.

This project "Duality", marks the end of the first part of a photographic investigation into the body, the external form we all percive.


video images


The presences of bones, as an internal expressive medium which is extermalised, creating irregular figures and forms. The appearance which our body presents, of restless figures, leads us to question our own nature.

MATTER (2002/2003)

An insistent glare illuminating the body is projected onto us as a form of energy, allowing us to see it. It may strike us as a body madde of rubber, latex or marble...

Whatever the physical matter, the light is reflected in it.

EXTERNA (2002)

A reflection on one's own body, its forms and lines in the present tense. Form as the external appearance of a thing.

And the lines which draw the contours of the human body.

GESTURAL and the art of communicating (2002)

"Gestural and the art of communicating" is a project of mouths, of tongues and of hands. A form of interpretting the gesturality which we all, consciously or unconsciously, exhibit.


The tension, delicacy and anguish of a body.

The colours, imperfections and experimentation with video and Polaroid. This all combines to play with forms and textures like a second skin.


Observing the transformation of a human face, simply by rotating the image.

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